These additions were removed in subsequent games, however. It also had a large, angled antenna on top, with an orange base and what appeared to be a translucent teal satellite dish. While reconfigured into a Wisp translator, the device included a bulky black addition on its backside, complete with exposed red and blue wires. It also no longer has buttons on the left side as it did in Sonic Unleashed. From Sonic Colors and onward however, the Miles Electric is smaller with only has one handle on the left side, rounder corners, and no spiraling wire between the antennas. In Sonic Unleashed, the Miles Electric had two handles on each side, relatively sharp corners, and a spiraling wire between the antennas. The Miles Electric's appearance is that of a wide yellow rectangle, with two cyan-glowing antennas on top, a touchscreen in the middle and some directional pads beside the screen.